Division 2 Rankings

Division 2
Rank Name SportyHQ Rating Last Change Position Team Club

Mark Witcomb

TANUNDA, South Australia, Australia
700 -10 1 4 Nickers Barossa Valley Squash Club (at the Rex)

Alan Blackwell

South Australia, Australia
695 0 2 1 Tin Ticklers Barossa Valley Squash Club (at the Rex)

Joom Conley

South Australia, Australia
694 0 6 Mid Court Crisis Barossa Valley Squash Club (at the Rex)

Peter Leadbeater

Gawler , South Australia, Australia
690 -5 1 2 Racqueteers Barossa Valley Squash Club (at the Rex)

Shelley Allturner

Tanunda, South Australia, Australia
612 2 6 Mid Court Crisis Barossa Valley Squash Club (at the Rex)