Monday Div 2: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Jessica Boland 1 1 100.00
2 Anthony Thomson 12 13 92.31
3 Dylan Storti 10 11 90.91
4 Nick Lamont 14 17 82.35
5 Cruz Leon 9 11 81.82
6 Daniel Spyrou 8 10 80.00
7 Craig Lewis 6 8 75.00
8 Rohan Wasserman 2 3 66.67
9 Patrick McCafferty 5 8 62.50
10 Daniel Thomson 8 14 57.14
11 Sami Wilson 3 9 33.33
12 Aarav Kochar 3 10 30.00
13 Karl Kirsten 2 8 25.00
14 Francois Vorstman 4 17 23.53
15 Henry Lehman 1 10 10.00
16 Phil Brown 1 12 8.33
17 Mirco Ruthoff 1 15 6.67
18 Nicholas Costanzo 0 2 0.00
19 Ned Manifold 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Mirco Ruthoff 761
2 Anthony Thomson 732
3 Daniel Spyrou 687
4 Craig Lewis 682
5 Rohan Wasserman 670
6 Cruz Leon 668
7 Daniel Thomson 642
8 Phil Brown 630
9 Patrick McCafferty 629
10 Nicholas Costanzo 604
11 Jessica Boland 591
12 Nick Lamont 587
13 Sami Wilson 581
14 Dylan Storti 579
15 Henry Lehman 578
16 Francois Vorstman 565
17 Karl Kirsten 564
18 Aarav Kochar 555
19 Ned Manifold 523
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Craig Lewis 100.00 4 0
2 Cruz Leon 100.00 5 0
3 Dylan Storti 90.91 10 1
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Dylan Storti 9 9 100.00
2 Anthony Thomson 4 4 100.00
3 Nick Lamont 2 2 100.00
4 Karl Kirsten 1 1 100.00
5 Daniel Spyrou 7 9 77.78
6 Cruz Leon 4 6 66.67
7 Rohan Wasserman 2 3 66.67
8 Daniel Thomson 4 7 57.14
9 Patrick McCafferty 1 2 50.00
10 Aarav Kochar 3 8 37.50
11 Francois Vorstman 2 8 25.00
12 Sami Wilson 1 6 16.67
13 Henry Lehman 1 9 11.11
14 Phil Brown 10 0.00
15 Nicholas Costanzo 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Dylan Storti 408 579 171
2 Daniel Spyrou 568 687 119
3 Rohan Wasserman 574 670 96
4 Nick Lamont 500 587 87
5 Mirco Ruthoff 674 761 87
6 Cruz Leon 595 668 73
7 Anthony Thomson 662 732 70
8 Aarav Kochar 511 555 44
9 Daniel Thomson 599 642 43
10 Henry Lehman 536 578 42
11 Patrick McCafferty 606 629 23
12 Sami Wilson 579 581 2
13 Nicholas Costanzo 607 604 -3
14 Ned Manifold 533 523 -10
15 Craig Lewis 697 682 -15
16 Francois Vorstman 581 565 -16
17 Phil Brown 657 630 -27
18 Karl Kirsten 600 564 -36
19 Jessica Boland 641 591 -50
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Nicholas Costanzo 2 2 100.00
2 Ned Manifold 1 1 100.00
3 Mirco Ruthoff 14 15 93.33
4 Phil Brown 11 12 91.67
5 Henry Lehman 9 10 90.00
6 Francois Vorstman 13 17 76.47
7 Karl Kirsten 6 8 75.00
8 Aarav Kochar 7 10 70.00
9 Sami Wilson 6 9 66.67
10 Daniel Thomson 6 14 42.86
11 Patrick McCafferty 3 8 37.50
12 Rohan Wasserman 1 3 33.33
13 Craig Lewis 2 8 25.00
14 Daniel Spyrou 2 10 20.00
15 Cruz Leon 2 11 18.18
16 Nick Lamont 3 17 17.65
17 Dylan Storti 1 11 9.09
18 Anthony Thomson 1 13 7.69
19 Jessica Boland 0 1 0.00