Ladies' Div 01: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Brooke O'Flynn 2 2 100.00
2 Gloria Battishall 10 11 90.91
3 Dianne Benson 11 13 84.62
4 Di Burton 11 15 73.33
5 Tamara Matthews 8 11 72.73
5 Deb Chape 8 11 72.73
7 Janelle Wilson 7 10 70.00
8 Sue Blyth 5 9 55.56
9 Sally Edmonds 4 8 50.00
10 Leanne Essex 4 10 40.00
11 Niki Jones 5 13 38.46
12 Trish Medioli 4 11 36.36
12 Bernadette Curran 4 11 36.36
14 Marie Milek 4 12 33.33
15 Judy Manning 3 9 33.33
16 Di Taylor 2 6 33.33
17 Candice Sherriff 4 13 30.77
18 Hope Herbert 3 13 23.08
19 Kerry Matthews 3 14 21.43
20 Leah Johnson 0 2 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Tamara Matthews 656
2 Deb Chape 647
3 Di Burton 646
3 Dianne Benson 646
5 Marie Milek 622
6 Janelle Wilson 612
7 Sally Edmonds 610
8 Hope Herbert 609
9 Leanne Essex 579
10 Trish Medioli 565
11 Candice Sherriff 558
12 Judy Manning 555
13 Di Taylor 542
14 Gloria Battishall 523
15 Leah Johnson 520
16 Niki Jones 504
17 Sue Blyth 499
18 Kerry Matthews 494
18 Bernadette Curran 494
20 Brooke O'Flynn 480
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Tamara Matthews 72.73 8 3
2 Dianne Benson 100.00 8 0
3 Gloria Battishall 90.91 10 1
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Brooke O'Flynn 2 2 100.00
2 Tamara Matthews 3 4 75.00
3 Sally Edmonds 2 4 50.00
4 Di Burton 1 2 50.00
5 Leanne Essex 2 5 40.00
6 Judy Manning 3 9 33.33
7 Sue Blyth 2 6 33.33
8 Di Taylor 1 3 33.33
9 Marie Milek 2 8 25.00
10 Janelle Wilson 1 4 25.00
11 Candice Sherriff 2 9 22.22
12 Trish Medioli 1 5 20.00
13 Kerry Matthews 2 12 16.67
14 Bernadette Curran 1 7 14.29
15 Hope Herbert 8 0.00
16 Niki Jones 2 0.00
17 Leah Johnson 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Brooke O'Flynn 440 480 40
2 Kerry Matthews 456 494 38
3 Janelle Wilson 574 612 38
4 Sue Blyth 475 499 24
5 Judy Manning 536 555 19
6 Di Taylor 525 542 17
7 Tamara Matthews 640 656 16
8 Leanne Essex 566 579 13
9 Hope Herbert 600 609 9
10 Gloria Battishall 515 523 8
11 Sally Edmonds 604 610 6
12 Bernadette Curran 490 494 4
13 Marie Milek 620 622 2
14 Trish Medioli 563 565 2
15 Candice Sherriff 560 558 -2
16 Deb Chape 658 647 -11
17 Leah Johnson 531 520 -11
18 Dianne Benson 658 646 -12
19 Di Burton 662 646 -16
20 Niki Jones 600 504 -96
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Leah Johnson 2 2 100.00
2 Kerry Matthews 11 14 78.57
3 Hope Herbert 10 13 76.92
4 Candice Sherriff 9 13 69.23
5 Marie Milek 8 12 66.67
6 Judy Manning 6 9 66.67
7 Di Taylor 4 6 66.67
8 Trish Medioli 7 11 63.64
8 Bernadette Curran 7 11 63.64
10 Niki Jones 8 13 61.54
11 Leanne Essex 6 10 60.00
12 Sally Edmonds 4 8 50.00
13 Sue Blyth 4 9 44.44
14 Janelle Wilson 3 10 30.00
15 Tamara Matthews 3 11 27.27
15 Deb Chape 3 11 27.27
17 Di Burton 4 15 26.67
18 Dianne Benson 2 13 15.38
19 Gloria Battishall 1 11 9.09
20 Brooke O'Flynn 0 2 0.00