Division 1: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Nicholas Norman 15 15 100.00
2 WSC WSC 1 1 100.00
3 Stefano Mason-Moia 8 9 88.89
4 Stephen Goddard 14 16 87.50
5 Gary Sheasby 8 10 80.00
6 Will Sheasby 10 14 71.43
7 Michael Wallace 5 8 62.50
8 Andrew Schwenke 9 16 56.25
9 Jim Watson 6 12 50.00
10 Finlay Watson 5 13 38.46
11 Sunny Bomma 4 11 36.36
11 Mitchell Hiscock 4 11 36.36
13 Donovan Jacobs 5 15 33.33
14 Chris Drew 1 3 33.33
15 Riley Sanders 1 5 20.00
16 Alistair Gardiner 1 9 11.11
17 James Lee 0 15 0.00
18 Damien Arbon 0 10 0.00
19 Anthony Travers 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Nicholas Norman 1457
2 Jim Watson 1318
3 Donovan Jacobs 1284
4 Damien Arbon 1247
5 Stephen Goddard 967
6 Will Sheasby 956
7 Finlay Watson 944
8 Stefano Mason-Moia 929
9 Michael Wallace 911
10 James Lee 868
11 WSC WSC 846
12 Gary Sheasby 844
13 Riley Sanders 842
13 Chris Drew 842
15 Andrew Schwenke 824
16 Anthony Travers 801
17 Mitchell Hiscock 534
18 Sunny Bomma 505
19 Alistair Gardiner 501
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Nicholas Norman 100.00 15 0
2 Stephen Goddard 87.50 14 2
3 Stefano Mason-Moia 88.89 8 1
4 Gary Sheasby 100.00 6 0
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Stephen Goddard 1 1 100.00
2 Gary Sheasby 2 3 66.67
2 Stefano Mason-Moia 2 3 66.67
4 Riley Sanders 1 3 33.33
5 Will Sheasby 1 4 25.00
6 Sunny Bomma 2 9 22.22
7 Andrew Schwenke 1 6 16.67
8 Alistair Gardiner 1 8 12.50
8 Finlay Watson 1 8 12.50
10 Donovan Jacobs 1 11 9.09
11 James Lee 12 0.00
12 Damien Arbon 10 0.00
13 Mitchell Hiscock 6 0.00
14 Jim Watson 5 0.00
15 Michael Wallace 1 0.00
15 Chris Drew 1 0.00
15 Anthony Travers 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 WSC WSC 656 846 190
2 Mitchell Hiscock 486 534 48
3 James Lee 826 868 42
4 Stephen Goddard 947 967 20
5 Alistair Gardiner 482 501 19
6 Donovan Jacobs 1266 1284 18
7 Sunny Bomma 488 505 17
8 Stefano Mason-Moia 913 929 16
9 Gary Sheasby 837 844 7
10 Jim Watson 1313 1318 5
11 Nicholas Norman 1457 1457 0
12 Chris Drew 842 842 0
13 Anthony Travers 801 801 0
14 Will Sheasby 958 956 -2
15 Damien Arbon 1253 1247 -6
16 Finlay Watson 951 944 -7
17 Michael Wallace 921 911 -10
18 Riley Sanders 853 842 -11
19 Andrew Schwenke 840 824 -16
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 James Lee 15 15 100.00
2 Damien Arbon 10 10 100.00
3 Anthony Travers 1 1 100.00
4 Alistair Gardiner 8 9 88.89
5 Riley Sanders 4 5 80.00
6 Donovan Jacobs 10 15 66.67
7 Chris Drew 2 3 66.67
8 Sunny Bomma 7 11 63.64
8 Mitchell Hiscock 7 11 63.64
10 Finlay Watson 8 13 61.54
11 Jim Watson 6 12 50.00
12 Andrew Schwenke 7 16 43.75
13 Michael Wallace 3 8 37.50
14 Will Sheasby 4 14 28.57
15 Gary Sheasby 2 10 20.00
16 Stephen Goddard 2 16 12.50
17 Stefano Mason-Moia 1 9 11.11
18 Nicholas Norman 0 15 0.00
19 WSC WSC 0 1 0.00