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Latest developments

Posted on 31st Oct 2020, 12:00am

It looks as though one or two you were right - look forward to christmas and the new year - You might ask Santa for googles or an iMask as a christmas presnt and prevent serious damage, possible eye loss.

There is now a supplier source for iMasks  in the in the UK see - If anyone would like a a trial contact me. A special version is now available to cover the covid epidemic - A shorter Sports version is suitable for squash - resolves the issues most players face with steaming up.

Further to the above I have now established contact with the UK distributer - If we can get 6 or more interested we can get the squash version for £36. Contact me at webmaster@sbsquash if you are interested. 

You can order yourself from the website above if you prefer that route.

It would make an excellent Santa present.

PS I am not doing this for me and I get nothing out of it. I have an iMask which I  can demonstrate. I can vouch that it is a better option than goggles.




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