Lisa  Botha
Lisa Botha

Pretoria , Gauteng, South Africa


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Lisa 's Rankings
Name Owner Rating System Position People Points
WS Tennis South Africa Custom 872 1248 21,700
GS 14 Tennis South Africa Custom 238 391 21,700
WS Junior Tennis South Africa Custom 680 1044 21,700
Womens Combined Tennis South Africa Custom 921 1277 21,700
GS 13 Tennis South Africa Custom 214 420 21,700
GS 15 Tennis South Africa Custom 450 830 21,700
GS 19 Tennis South Africa Custom 724 978 21,700
GS 17 Tennis South Africa Custom 592 839 21,700
Girls U14 Combined Tennis South Africa Custom 255 401 21,700
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Lisa 's fans


Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Yasmin Lombard

Boardwalk Meander Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Joan McDonald

Centurion , Gauteng, South Africa
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