Aliyah Talitha Petersen
Aliyah Talitha Petersen

Bedfordview , Gauteng, South Africa

  • Sport:
  • Tennis (Singles)

SportyHQ Rating


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Aliyah Talitha's Rankings
Name Owner Rating System Position People Points
WS Tennis South Africa Custom 562 1231 58,838
GS 14 Tennis South Africa Custom 141 385 58,838
WS Junior Tennis South Africa Custom 419 1031 58,838
Womens Combined Tennis South Africa Custom 609 1258 58,838
GS 13 Tennis South Africa Custom 117 423 58,838
GS 15 Tennis South Africa Custom 260 825 58,838
GS 19 Tennis South Africa Custom 476 957 58,838
GS 17 Tennis South Africa Custom 375 823 58,838
Girls U14 Combined Tennis South Africa Custom 160 393 58,838
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Azania Petersen

Johannesburg , Gauteng, South Africa

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