2016 BC Closed Championships presented by Nicola Wealth Management

Recent Results
Entries are now closed.

This is Squash BC's annual provincial championship. Generally all BC residents who are Squash BC members are welcome to participate; check the eligibility rules for more informatoin. We particularly welcome all levels of play and players of all ages..

There are a number of unique features of this tournament:

Winners of all Open Events, including age group events, are eligible for financial assistance to attend the Canadian National Championships from May 4-8 (location TBD).

This tournament has a AAAA rating which means that match results points are doubled for Squash BC ranking.

Included in the entry fee is the Squash BC Awards Banquet dinner & Casino night valued at more than $50. Please note that entries will be limited to the first 150 players. Enter early to avoid disappointment!

Players of all levels are welcome with players being grouped in flights according to their squash BC rankings. This assures that players are entered at the proper level.

Out of town players must be available to play by 5:30 pm on Friday, February 26.

Nicola Wealth Management is once again or Presenting Sponsor. Together with our lengthy list of supporting sponsors, we are able to offer the largest prize pool in the history of this event incuding a minimum of $4000 in the Open Events.

On behalf of the Arbutus Club, we look forward to seeing you there !
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Where & When
Wed, Feb 24th 2016
Sun, Feb 28th 2016
Sat, Feb 20th 2016 11:59pm

2001 Nanton Ave
Vancouver, British Columbia V6J 4A1
Sanctioned Event

This is a Squash BC sanctioned event.

Tournament Officials

Larry Armstrong

Richmond, British Columbia, Canada

Morley Jameson

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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