Fitzwilliam LTC NXT GEN Tuesday 18th April

Recent Results
All matches are Time Based - continuous play
All draws are Standard Based - mixed, not gender based
Please arrive 15 minutes before you are scheduled to play
Each player will have 2 x Power Ball points per match
The draw will be sent to each player (with start & finish time and opponents) in advance
Event Director will have final say on player placement - you may play in a different draw than the one you entered

Photo Stream
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Where & When
Tue, Apr 18th 2023
Tue, Apr 18th 2023
Fri, Apr 14th 2023 8:00pm

Fitzwilliam Lawn Tennis Club
Winton Road
Dublin 6, Dublin D06 X6X2
Sanctioned Event

This is a NXT GEN Squash & Tennis sanctioned event.

Tournament Officials

Ed Dunne

Dublin, Ireland
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