Westerfolds Morgs' 40th One Day Tournament

Recent Results
Sat 5th Feb, 4 Man Draws guaranteed 2 matches for sportyhq points

Max 48 Players
Withdrawal prior to 7:00am on the day of the tournament fully refunded
( Seeds and draws are created on the day of the tournament to cater for COVID related safety withdrawals)

10:00am Round One

11:20am Winners into the Final, Losers play off for the wooden spoon

1:00pm Teams Event
All entrants are separated into two teams. Pairs play off.
First player to 3 points wins.
The player who wins adds a point to the winning team.
Prizes for everyone in the winning team.

2:00 BBQ Lunch and Beers

3:00 Stand up comedy

3:15 Men's Open Final ( Handicapped event )

4:00 - 9:00 More drinks and more food

Entrance Fees cover court hire, food, prizes, drinks and staff and will also be subsidised by the organisers.

$30 all you can drink beer / wine.
$20 entry only ( BYO )
$20 No play all you can drink
$0 No play ( BYO )

Feel free to bring your own drinks or you can purchase beer or wine for $3 from the bar.
Other Alcoholic drinks at usual bar rates.

This is a tournament setup and run by Chris Morgan & Rex Hedrick for the love of squash and is to celebrate Chris's 40th birthday.
No presents, just you. : )

Registrations close at 11:45pm on the 1st of Feb.
Capped at 48 players with emergencies.
Photo Stream
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Where & When
Sat, Feb 5th 2022
Sat, Feb 5th 2022
Wed, Feb 2nd 2022 11:45pm

2 Swilk Street
Lower Templestowe, Victoria 3106
Sanctioned Event

This is a Squash & Racquetball Victoria sanctioned event.

Tournament Officials

Rex Hedrick

The Basin, Victoria, Australia

Chris Morgan

Eltham, Victoria, Australia
Who's Registered?
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